Appropriate Technology Use in Schools: Smartphones
Help Boise transition all schools to a "bell to bell no cell phone" policy. Bell-to-bell" means no cell phone use from the first bell of the school day to the last bell (the entire school day)
Studies have shown when “bell-to-bell no cell phone” policies are in place, students’ academic performance and well-being improves.
Educate Families and Community Members on the Benefits of a “Bell-to-Bell No Cell Phone” Policy
Studies have shown when “bell-to-bell no cell phone” policies are in place, students’ academic performance and well-being improves. We strive to educate families on the benefits of a bell-to-bell no cell phone policy in schools and address parental fears and concerns. We provide the education on these topics through: · The resource section on this website. · Our newsletter (sign up below) that includes up-to-date and evidence-based resources, technology tips, announcements on upcoming family and youth educational events, important school updates and more. Please sign up at the bottom of this page. · Bi-monthly meet-ups for roundtable discussions of all things youth and technology related. · Work with PTO/PTA’s to educate families on these topics. · Create educational pieces to be distributed by district and school principals, upon approval. · Host or support technology related educational events during the 2024-2025 school year. The evidence is overwhelming; smart phones do not belong in the school setting. The June 2024 results of the BSD Parents Priorities survey indicated that a majority of parents and staff agree, and school districts around the country are implementing bell-to-bell no cell phone policies. In cooperation with the Boise School District we are working to implement a “bell-to-bell no cell phone” policy this January 2025 in 3 of the BSD junior high schools with the use of Yondr pouches during the school day. - Successful implementations of a “bell to bell no cell phone” policy have a few things in common - education of the program to students, staff and families, a clearly articulated policy, consistent enforcement and unwavering support from district administration. We help to ensure all these things are in place for a successful pilot program. - We propose the Boise School District collect data, through pre and post surveys at these pilot schools to track changes related to student wellness, academic performance, incidents of bullying and other valuable data to determine the impact of this policy change. The results of the data will help guide the District to determine a future district-wide policy for the 2025-2026 school year. - We are currently seeking funding sources for the purchase of Yondr pouches in order to successfully pilot a “bell-to-bell no cell phone” policy in 3 of the Boise School District junior high schools for the 2024/2025 school year. - Implementation of the Yondr pouches would begin in January 2025, the funds are needed by fall 2024, in order to begin student, family and staff education outreach from the Yondr company. If you know of an organization or entity that would like to have a significant impact on our Boise youth’s mental well being by donating money to this important cause and pilot program, please reach out to us ASAP: youmeweallboise@gmail.com. All donations will be made to the Boise School District Foundation, a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization, to support youth mental wellness in the schools. Donations are tax deductible. Fear of not getting a hold of our kids during an emergency is real, however law enforcement officials advise against mass communication during lockdowns. One of the reasons is that it can jam communications and prevent first responders from reaching school staff during these emergencies. To help improve our children’s well-being and learning environments, we need to change the way we communicate with our kids during the school day. As parents and guardians, we have grown accustomed to accessing our children (and vice versa) easily during school hours to make scheduling changes and relay information. Parents and guardians should use the school front office to relay this information if needed during school hours with students having access to their phones before and after school. This also teaches students to be more independent, resilient and better problem solvers. Children with medical waivers or permission by school administrators may have access to their phones at appropriate times. Please see Phone Free School Myths and FAQs to address other concerns families may have with this policy. Successful implementations of a “bell to bell no cell phone” policy have a few things in common - education of the program to students, staff and families, a clearly articulated policy, consistent enforcement and unwavering support from district administration. We provide education on these topics through: You, Me, We, All Newsletters (sign up here) Bi-monthly meet-ups for roundtable discussions of all things youth and technology related. Work with PTO/PTA’s to educate families on these topics. Educational pieces to be distributed by district and school principals, upon approval. Hosting or supporting technology related educational events in Fall 2024.
Educate Families on the Benefits of the “Wait Until 8th” Pledge and Seek to Activate a Minimum of 3 grades at each Elementary School
The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to band together to delay the Smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. By linking arms and proactively working together, we hope to change the current cultural norms around youth and technology. No one wants their child to be the one “left out”, but we can make a difference by committing to delay the smartphone. We can do this together. We provide the education on the pledge through: · The Wait until 8th section on the Tech Helpful Links page. · Our Newsletter (sign up at the bottom on this page). · Work with PTO/PTA’s to educate families on the pledge through school newsletters, info booths at school events, handing out flyers and more. · Create educational flyers to be distributed by district and school principals, upon approval. Our goal is to help get at least 3 grades in each elementary school activated on Wait Until 8th. The more families that make a pledge to delay smartphones for their kids, the more we set our Boise youth up for success. As of June 2024, Washington Elementary School is the only school in the state of Idaho that has activated classes who have made this important pledge including 3rd, 5th and 6th grade. Let’s get more grades and schools activated!